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Bridgeby Slash Vision Labs

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Alice is the corner of the internet where art, community, and culture merge to bring creative ideas to life.
We will release a collection of 10,000 NFTs that grants membership access. Details of limited collections, NFT drops, and events will be revealed gradually. The ownership of Alice's community enables the creation of new genres the world has yet to adventure into.

Hello Alice!!

Alice's world is a decentralized community that is detached from national authority and has accumulated vast amounts of information.
We are ready to start a revolution with blockchain technology.The SS is a bold and infinitely creative presence, uniting now to bring hope and gather the three items necessary to transf orm reality.




NFT collection inspired
by Alice's story.
We continuously adventure and
pursue originality.
"We are a bunch of madmen with diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds."
We are a diverse group of sharpened madmen in the wider Alice
collaborating to build the future of decentralized

Evolve your business by implementing a completely new crypto assets payment solution.
Slash Web3 Payment is a non-custodial crypto asset payment gateway that leverages decentralized liquidity and takes advantage of rapidly expanding Web3 wallets to safely execute cross-border transactions with crypto assets.
Our minds have
been sharpened.
And we will
continue to learn.